Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Breakfast

For the past few years, Ryan and I have had this delicious Italian version of a bread pudding for Christmas morning.  We make it the night before so that it is even better the next morning (and no cooking necessary).  We actually prefer it cold with a dollop of fresh whipped cream, but it'd be just as tasty warm with maple syrup too.  This recipe is from Giada, the only difference is that we use fresh berries instead (usually just strawberries).

Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Vegetable Lasagna (without the noodles)

In our quest to avoid refined sugars before our vacation, I have been craving pasta like no other.  Last night's dinner was an attempt to fill that void without chowing down on some linguini.  I attempted to cook the vegetables so that they would resemble lasagna sheets, and you know, it kind of worked.  I'll admit nothing replaces the yummyness (that's a word, right?) of pasta, but it was pretty darn close and very tasty.  The best part was that it was made ahead of time, so all I had to do when Ryan got home was heat it up to melt the cheese.

Ingredients for Vegetable "Lasagna":

2 large zucchini cut, lengthwise, into 3/8ths inch strips (I used a mandolin)
1 large eggplant peeled and cut into 3/8th inch strips
3 medium onions sliced, medium thickness
4 tablespoons olive oil (plus more if needed)
Salt and pepper
1 large can crushed tomatoes (or leftover marinara)
2 cups shredded mozzarella
1 bunch of fresh basil (plus more for garnish)
Parmesan for garnish

The bottom layer-zucchini

Before baking in the oven

Start by heating the olive oil in a large frying pan.  When oil is hot, add the zucchini in a single layer (I had to cook it in two batches) and season with salt and pepper.  Cook on each side for 3-4 minutes, or until slightly browned.  Meanwhile, in a large baking dish, spread a few spoonfuls of the tomatoes on the bottom, then add the cooked zucchini on top.  When all zucchini are cooked and added to the baking dish, cover with a few more spoonfuls of tomatoes and sprinkle with mozzarella.  Repeat process with eggplant.  When sauteed eggplant is added to the baking dish, again top with tomatoes and mozzarella and also a handful of the basil.  In the same frying pan, add the onions and cook on medium-low for about 30 minutes, or until caramelized.  Add those to the baking dish as well and top with the rest of the tomatoes and cheese.  Cover with tin foil until ready for dinner (will keep over night).  When you're ready to heat, put in a 350 degree oven, uncovered until cheese starts to bubble (if you like your cheese brown, then cook a little longer).  Let cool for a few minutes before serving.  Serve with more basil and some shredded parmesan.  

It turned out really delicious, the only modification I would make would be to cut the veggies into spheres or smaller pieces.  This dish would freeze really well too.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Dinner- Side Dish

It's time to start planning on what to make for Christmas dinner.  In our family, we always have some sort of beef as the main dish (whether it's a rib roast or tenderloin), but the sides vary.  I tested this recipe the other day to see if it was "up to par" for a holiday meal, and it passed with flying colors.  It was delicious, rich, and flavorful.  I hope you enjoy!

Ingredients for Ultimate Creamed Spinach:

1 pound washed baby spinach (I used fresh, but you could use frozen too)
1 medium onion, sliced thinly
4 strips of thick cut bacon (or 6 original cut) cut into strips (lardons)
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons flour
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 cup milk (4%)
Salt and pepper to taste

Thickening the milk mixture

Ready to eat!
In a large frying pan, add the bacon, butter, and onions over medium heat.  Cook for about 15 minutes, or until onions are browned and bacon is cooked through.  Season with salt and pepper  Turn the heat to medium-low.  Sprinkle the flour on the bacon/onion mixture and stir for a minute until flour is starting to cook.  Add the heavy cream and whisk until the lumps are gone (will be super thick), slowly add in the milk while whisking.  If mixture is still too thick you can add more milk.  When liquid starts to simmer, turn heat to lowest setting and add spinach.  It will quickly wilt down when it cooks.  Serve immediately, or keep at low setting until ready to serve.  I didn't do this when I cooked it, but it'd be good with a garnish of freshly grated parmesan too.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Easy Weeknight Dinner

I am almost to the point where I can't bear to think of eating another salad for dinner, so this menu is a good substitute, and still pretty healthy (and cheap).  Even though it's my favorite side dish, I am also getting kind of sick of sauteed zucchini with garlic (not that it's not totally delicious).  This dish took a total of about 30 minutes, start to finish, including chopping.

Ingredients for the Zucchini Carpaccio:

1 pound, cleaned zucchini sliced into ribbons (I used a mandolin to slice it into 1/8inch ribbons) 
2 tablespoons good olive oil
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Shaved parmesan (to taste)
Sea salt and cracked pepper
1 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

Ribbons of zucchini
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and let sit in the fridge to chill before serving.  The longer it sits, the better it will taste.  Make sure the zucchini is very fresh and ripe, since it's being served raw.

Ingredients for the Chicken Thighs:

1 pound chicken thighs
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon lemon zest
Juice of 1 lemon
1 small onion, diced
1/4 cup chicken stock or dry white wine (I ran out, so I used stock instead)
Salt and pepper
Olive oil to coat the bottom of the frying pan
Basil to garnish

Finished chicken with oregano, lemon, and onions

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.  Heat the olive oil in a small frying pan over medium-high heat.  Rub the oregano, zest, salt and pepper over the chicken thighs (make sure they're with the bone and skin).  Add the chicken to the frying pan, skin side down and cook for 5 minutes, or until skin is totally browned.  Flip and sear the other side for 3-4 minutes.  Transfer chicken thighs to a baking dish and bake until cooked through (about 10-15 minutes).  Meanwhile, add the onions to the same frying pan and season with salt and pepper.  After 1 minute, turn heat down to medium-low.  Once onions are cooked through, add the lemon juice and wine/stock.  When liquid starts to bubble, turn to lowest setting. When chicken is cooked, serve with lemon/onion sauce and basil. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Strawberry Salad

Most people probably associate strawberries with summer time, but luckily for us Floridians, we are already starting to get the delicious fruit in season.  These berries are quickly becoming a favorite of Carter's as well (especially pureed with some yogurt).  After this past weekend's cookie fest, the healthy eating is back on (at least until next weekend, ha!).  This is a salad I am having for lunches this week, and it actually gives me something to look forward to that is also filled with nutritious goodies (granted it'd probably be even better for me without the bacon, but hey, it's just a little bit right?!).  

Ingredients for Salad:

1/2 dozen fresh strawberries cleaned and sliced
1 sliced onion, caramelized and cooled (I cooked it the night before)
1 tablespoon crumbled goat cheese
1 slice bacon, crumbled
2 cups baby mixed greens or baby spinach
Some sort of nuts would probably go well too, walnuts or almonds, but I hate them, so not in my salad!
Cider vinegar dressing (whisk together 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tablespoon dijon mustard, 1 tablespoon maple syrup, 2 tablespoons canola oil, salt and pepper)

Toss all salad ingredients with dressing in a large bowl and then serve on a plate.  If taking to work, them put the salad dressing on the bottom of some tupperware and then put all the ingredients on top and toss right before serving so lettuce doesn't get wilted.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday Cookies

I love this time of year for so many reasons (the number one being able to experience Carter's first Christmas), but I also love the tradition of baking holiday cookies and treats.  For one weekend a year, my kitchen is a complete disaster with flour and chocolate powder on every surface, cookie racks filled with cooling goodies, green and red sprinkles creeping into random places, and dishes piled feet high. It's total chaos, and I absolutely love it! I would love to claim I made up all my own recipes for baking, but since it is much too precise to estimate, I used other sources for recipes.  I've attached some links to my favorites (the only change is that I double the vanilla in every recipe, I love the stuff!).  Being the good little boss's wife, we made tons extra so that Ryan could take some into work to share with his staff and faculty.  
My number one cookie decorator

Sugar cookies

Chocolate Chip

Ryan approves

Chocolate cookies dipped in candies

Trays of cookies for Ryan's staff
In the coming weeks, I'll post some more recipes that we make around Christmas.  If anyone has any can't beat cookie or anything else recipes, please share!

For dark chocolate truffles (no pictures, they were eaten before I could!):

For the chocolate chip recipe, I use the recipe on the Ghiradelli chocolate chips bag, but here's a link to the same one:

For the sugar cookies:

For the sugar cookie icing, I mixed together one 12 oz bag of powdered sugar, 1 stick of softened butter, 2 teaspoons vanilla, and 3 tablespoons whole milk until thick and smooth and then added food coloring.

For the chocolate dipped cookies:

Friday, December 7, 2012

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

Some of our baking ingredients

Our fridge has been consumed by ice cream base, cookie dough, and truffle ganache

Cooookie Cooookie, as Carter's favorite Sesame Street character would say.  This afternoon (thanks to a napping baby and an amazing husband who went shopping for me) I was able to prep and make all the fixins' for our Christmas gift goodies (might even have to sample a few for ourselves, hey...we've been dieting for two weeks I think we need a cheat night!).  I'll post links and final pictures of the end products.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Marinated Flank Steak

This steak recipe has been a staple of our's for many years now.  Whenever we see flank steak on sale we get it and make this version.  I personally only like flank steak if it's been marinated at least a few hours, otherwise it tastes really dry and chewy to me.  This recipe ensures that it is flavorful and tender.  You can either grill or broil (depending on the weather!) your steak.

Ingredients for Marinade:

1 teaspoon siracha sauce
1 teaspoon either honey or sugar
Zest of 1 lime
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
3 whole garlic cloves

Whisk all the ingredients together in a bowl and then add to a freezer/gallon size Ziploc bag.  Add the steak to the bag, seal, and then massage the marinade into the meat.  Refrigerate at least for 4 hours (preferably overnight, make sure you flip the bag over, so it marinades evenly). 

For cooking- broil or grill steak for about 5-7 minutes on each side for medium rare (of course this all depends on the thickness of the flank steak you cook).  Make sure you let rest for at least 15 minutes before cutting.  When you do cut it, slice it against the grain to make sure it is as tender as possible.  Serve with vegetables and a salad with ginger dressing.