Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Leftover Roast Chicken...microwave nachos!

Leftover roasted chicken transformed into delicious nachos
For dinner last night we had leftover chicken from Father's day, but even with that, we still have extra chicken.  So for lunch today, we decided to make another favorite guilty pleasure, chicken nachos.  It is ridiculously easy, and only uses a microwave to cook the nachos.  I was a skeptic the first time Ryan shared with me the use of a microwave to melt the cheese for nachos, but it totally works and only takes about 30 seconds (and doesn't make the chips soggy at all).  All you do is spread a layer of your favorite tortilla chips on a plate, top with shredded cheese of your choosing and microwave for 30 seconds (or less, depending on type of cheese).  Once cheese is melted, top with the rest of your favorite toppings; for us it was shredded chicken, salsa verde, avocado, lime, and sour cream.  Fun lunch to make and super easy.

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