Sunday, June 17, 2012

Welcome Back

Ryan, Carter, and I at Siesta Key in April
Up until about a year ago, I was really enjoying blogging about cooking and traveling with my husband and our dog. Well then in May 2011, our lives got turned upside down (in a good way); we found out we were having a baby.  Preparing for the baby becoming all consuming, so my blog was one of the causalities of time.  Our baby boy is Carter Nathan and was born on January 4, 2012.  He is the light of our lives and we couldn't be happier.  For three years we were told by numerous doctors that we wouldn't have a child, so he really is a blessing for us!  

After a lot of wavering back and forth, we have made the decision as a family for me to stay at home and temporarily stop teaching.  Since we are down to only Ryan's salary, we have had to make some major changes.  One of those things is travel.  Unlike previously, we are not going to Las Vegas and NYC once a year, those days are all but a memory for the time being! We are determined to still find a way to travel, but now with a tight budget and a baby in tow! Another "victim" of our new lifestyle is going out to eat.  Which if you know Ryan and I at all, is one of our favorite things to do.  Not that Carter isn't well behaved in a restaurant (he's been wonderful so far everywhere we've gone), but we can no longer afford this luxury.

So I have reinstated blog writing to document our successes (and failures) of our new lives with our baby boy.  I will post ideas on traveling, cooking, and anything else that comes to mind. Enjoy!!

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