Monday, January 7, 2013

Carter's First Birthday Party

On January 4th, Carter turned one year old.  I still can't believe it's been a whole year since he was born.  It's been the best year in my life.  Since it was such a momentous year, we wanted to celebrate and that's why we threw a birthday party for Carter and our close friends and family.  It was a great afternoon and Carter had a great time.  He got to crawl around with all his friends and get icing and cake in every crevice of his body!  To save money on catering, and plus I enjoyed cooking, we made the food for the party.  Everything was easy to prepare and able to be made ahead of time, so I could enjoy the party instead of cooking the whole time.  We made bbq pulled pork, chicken meatballs with marinara, cheddar and cayenne macaroni and cheese, kielbasa, and an assortment of crudities (my wonderful mother helped with those).  We have tons of leftovers, but they've all been delicious!  I had so much fun planning his party, I wish I could help out other people!  
Our birthday boy


Iced Tea and Lemonade

Guest book

Party favors ("C" shaped cookies)

First taste of cake

Even daddy got in on the action

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