Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Vacation with Carter

Over Christmas we took Carter on his second vacation ever and first big road trip. The furthest we've gone with him before in the car was to Tampa, so driving all the way to Northern Georgia was a bit daunting of a task.  We left at 7 in the morning and the first few hours of the trip were a breeze, but when we got to the Valdosta area, Carter started to get fed up.  But after stopping for awhile, he was good to go until we got to just south of Atlanta.  Right around when Carter was reaching full crankiness, we hit a huge traffic jam.  Because we didn't want to drive on our cabin's crazy mountain dirt road at night and we couldn't make Carter sit in the carseat any longer (it was so tempting to take him out of the seat and hold him, but we didn't risk it), we decided to stay the night in Atlanta.  We got a good deal at a hotel downtown and ended up having a nice night sitting in the lounge at the Ruth Chris's and walking around Centennial park.  In the morning we took our time and arrived at our cabin in Blue Ridge, GA a little before lunch time.  My parents had arrived the day before with the dogs.  We had a great time on our week's stay there, complete with a little snow too! One of the most fun things we did was take a train ride up to Tennessee through the gorgeous  Northern Georgian countryside and rivers.  We also really enjoyed walking around downtown Blue Ridge.  If you're ever in the area, you must eat at Harvest on Main. It held it's own to some of the meals we've had in Vegas, New York, etc.   The ride home was a little rough with more traffic jams and Carter getting fed up, but we made it without staying the night somewhere.  It was really great spending Christmas in the mountains with my parents and Carter, made for a great memory of his first Christmas.  It was a lot different than our past vacations (pre-baby).  We've always gone to big cities and done a million things during our trips.  This time it was all about relaxing and spending time with family.  We're looking forward to future trips with Carter (and even Sadie too).  We hope everyone had a great holiday and a happy new year!
Carter playing with a measuring cup, who needs toys?!

Christmas morning with Grandpa, and Sadie keeping a close eye on all the presents

What's in here?

Crawling around on the deck

Brrr, Christmas day

Family time!

Grandpa, Ryan, and Carter getting the fire pit ready for hot dogs and smores, yum!

Ryan and Carter posing in front of the mountains, the top of which is covered in snow 

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