Sunday, January 13, 2013

French Toast With Orange Butter

Okay so today was a cheat day (every now and then you just gotta!), that began with French toast.  I never really had French toast growing up (my mother has an aversion to anything "eggy"), so I love to make it now and experiment with different flavors. This morning we made French toast with orange zest and topped with an orange butter.  

Start by making the butter the night before. Allow 1/2 stick of unsalted butter to come to room temperature. Put in a small bowl along with 1 tsp orange zest and 1 tsp fresh orange juice.  Stir to combine and then place in plastic wrap to harden in the fridge.  It's easiest to do it the night before so you don't have to wait for the butter to get cold and hard.

When you're ready to start making the French toast, crack 4 eggs in a large, shallow bowl along with 1 tsp orange zest, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 3 tablespoons sugar, and 1 cup half and half.  Whisk to break yokes and combine.  Meanwhile, slice 1/2 inch thick slices of challah bread and soak in custard.

Heat butter over a hot skillet (did I mention Ryan got me a really nice Calphalon skillet for Christmas?!) and add custard-soaked bread slices. Cook for a few minutes on each side until they're golden brown.

Serve French toast with orange butter and maple syrup.  Even Carter got in on the French toast action.  (Apologies for the paper plates, all the regular ones are in the dishwasher!)

We try to not to splurge on breakfast very often, but when you do, this is the way to do it!!

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