Monday, January 7, 2013

What To Do With All Those Leftovers??

Like most people who throw a party, one of the perks (or negatives depending on how you look at it) is leftovers.  Thank goodness we have a huge fridge that we were able to store everything! We've since discovered that Carter loves chicken meatballs, so that takes care of those.  We were trying to decide what to do with the pulled pork leftovers (there's only so many sandwiches you can make!) and came up with the idea of quesadillas.  They came out so good!

Ingredients for Pulled Pork Quesadillas:

4 cups of bbq pulled pork
2 medium onions, sliced thinly
1 cup sauteed mushrooms
1/2 cup whatever your favorite bbq sauce
Whole wheat tortillas (2 per quesadilla)
1 tablespoon butter, plus more
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper
2 cups shredded mozzarella

In a small frying pan, over medium heat, add 1 tablespoon butter and olive oil. Once the butter has melted, add the onions and season.  Cook for 20 minutes, stirring often, or until caramelized.  Add the cooked pulled pork and mushrooms and the bbq sauce.  Turn heat down to low. Meanwhile in a skillet or a flat-top cooker, melt some butter and heat over medium heat.  To make the quesadilla, put one tortilla, then sprinkle with cheese, then a layer of the pulled pork/onion/mushroom mixture, then one more layer of cheese, and then top with another tortilla.  Heat as is for 5-8 minutes until cheese begins to melt, then flip so the top side of the tortilla can get heated through and browned.  Let quesadilla cool on a cutting board for a few minutes before cutting.  Serve with extra bbq sauce.  

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