Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cape Cod Salad

I saw a version of this salad on Ina Garten's Barefoot Contessa the other day and wanted to try it.  I made a few substitutions and ommisions (goat cheese instead of blue and not walnuts for me!).  I also used baby spinach instead of arugula.  It turned out really delcious and made for a nice treat during the week for lunch (there's only so many pb & j sandwiches a girl can eat!).  The salad dressing made a lot extra, so it's nice to have around for other things (great over the top of roasted butternut squash or pork tenderloin).  I'm calling it a Cape Cod salad only because it has cranberries in it.

Cape Cod Salad Ingredients:

3 cups baby spinach leaves
1/4 large green apple julienned
1 tablespoon crumbled goat cheese
Handful of dried cranberries
1 tablespoon of bacon lardons (we made BLT's for lunch the day before, so I just used the leftovers, it was fine cold)


3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
2 tablespoons maple syrup (the real stuff)
2/3 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper 

Wisk all the ingredients besides the oil, once those are combined, wisk in oil slowly so that it emulsifies.

Toss salad ingredients with a few tablespoons of the salad dressing in a large bowl and serve. 

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