Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Eve

Today my goal is to get as much done as possible so tomorrow won't be (as) stressful and I can enjoy the day with my family.  Thanks to my helpful husband, we got a lot of cleaning done today despite taking care of a baby and get furniture delivered (nothing like getting a dining room table delivered the day before Thanksgiving).  Besides cleaning, we set the table and put out some of the Christmas decorations (this year, more than ever, we are so excited to get out our Christmas stuff and get in the spirit.  The two main cooking items today were the cranberry sauce and the stuffing (technically it's dressing, but I still call it stuffing).

Stuffing before being baked
Ingredients for Sausage, Sage, & Caramelized Onion Stuffing:

1 loaf of day-old French bread, diced into small cubes
1 package of sage sausage (the kind in the tube)
3 medium yellow onions, sliced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh sage
4 eggs
4 cups chicken broth (more or less depending on how dry your bread is)
1/2 stick of melted butter
Salt and Pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil

Start by heating the oil in a medium frying pan over medium-high heat; add the sausage.  Cook for about 15 minutes, or until browned.  With a wooden spoon, break sausage up into small pieces.  With a slotted spoon, remove sausage, but leave grease behind.  Turn heat down to medium, and add the sliced onion.  Season with salt and pepper.  When onions start to change color, turn down to low.  Cook for about 45 minutes, or until completely caramelized.  Meanwhile, in a large bowl whisk together eggs, sage, stock, and salt and pepper (you might have to add in more stock if mixture is too dry).  Add in bread cubes and stir to combine that they are coated in egg mixture.  Add in melted butter and sausage and stir.  When the onions are caramelized, add those to the mixture too.  
Pre-heat an oven to 350 degrees.  Pour stuffing mixture into a greased 9x13 pan.  When oven is ready, put in stuffing for about 30 minutes, or until the bread on top starts to brown. You can eat the stuffing as is, but I let it cool, and then refrigerated it overnight.  About 30 minutes before serving, heat back up in an oven.  This stuffing is so delicious on it's own, but even better with gravy!

Ingredients for Cranberry Sauce:

2 bags whole cranberries
1/2 cup orange juice
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 cup sugar
Cranberries and lemon

Over medium heat, add all the ingredients to a pan.  When mixture starts to simmer, reduce to low.  Cook for up to an hour, or until  all the berries have popped open and it's thick (it will continue to thicken in the fridge).  Store in fridge and serve cold or room temperature.  Makes an awesome condiment to a sandwich or over angel food cake. 

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