Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Week, day one

Bringing the water to a simmer

2 stock pots full of veggies, herbs, and poultry

The finished product

This year Ryan, Carter, & I are hosting Thanksgiving at our house.  We've done it once before, but we didn't make the turkey, my parents brought it.  But this year, we are making the whole meal.  I'm actually really excited about it.  I know Thursday brings a lot of stress for many people, but I for one look forward to cooking a delicious meal and share it with my family, especially with Carter since it'll be his first Thanksgiving.  I know no matter how much I plan ahead and make ahead, I will inevitably be stressed out that last hour before dinner is served, but that's why wine was created!  I plan to blog about what I'm doing on a day-to-day basis in order to prepare for this meal.

Day one's sole task, which is a big one, is to make homemade stock.  Confession time (mom look away), I've never actually make my own stock. I've always used the boxed kind from the store.  I figured since I'm making the whole meal this year, why not make my own stock too.  I'm right smack in the middle of it as we speak (pictures will be added later), and so far it's pretty simple.  I hope it makes a difference in flavor, because it is certainly cheaper than buying it at the store.


5 pounds of chicken or turkey meat with skin and bones on (we used chicken drumsticks because they were the cheapest)
4 large onions, peeled and quartered
1 head of garlic, cut in half along the "equator"
1 1/2 celery bunches chopped into thirds
1 bag of carrots chopped into thirds
4 bay leaves
1 large bunch of fresh parsley
1 large bunch of fresh thyme
1 teaspoon of whole peppercorns
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil, plus more if needed

I had to use two large stock pots because it wouldn't all fit in one. Heat stockpots on medium-high heat and add olive oil.  Season poultry pieces liberally and add to heat pot.  Cook for a few minutes on each side until browned (won't be cooked through, and that's ok).  Remove poultry and set aside.  Add more oil if needed and add onions to pot.  Cook for five minutes until they just start to brown, then add the rest of the veggies and poultry back in the pot.  Add the herbs, peppercorns, and a few teaspoons of salt. Add enough water to cover everything, but leaving a few inches from the top (so it doesn't boil over).  Bring to a boil and then lower temperature to a simmer.  Let simmer for at least 4 hours, or until the chicken and vegetables are completely soft and falling apart.  Strain liquid out and store in fridge or freezer until ready to use. 

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