Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pork Bolognese with Ricotta

As the weather starts to cool down, the idea of eating a warm, rich meal is quite inviting.  This dish takes a few hours to cook, but only requires about 15 minutes of active cooking.  It freezes really well and tastes even better as leftovers.  This dish is great for those in your life that love pasta, but don't eat red meat.


2 pounds of ground pork (I used Italian sausage and just removed the casings)
1 large onion diced
2 larges cans of crushed tomoatoes
1/2 cup tomato paste
Salt to taste
Red chili flakes
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil, plus more for garnish
Whole milk ricotta (about 1/4 cup per serving)
1 pound of penne pasta

Pork Bolognese with Ricotta
In a large pot, heat the oil over medium high heat and add the pork.  Cook for about 10 minutes until browned and broken up into small pieces.  Remove the meat, but leave behind the fat.  Add the onions, salt, and red chili flakes (as much as you desire depending on your taste for spicy foods).  When onions begin to brown (about 5 minutes), turn heat to low and continue to cook until caramelized (about 30 minutes).  Turn heat up to medium, add the pork back in the pot along with the tomato paste.  Stir until pasta is dissolved.  Add the two cans of crushed tomatoes and basil and season.  When sauce comes to a low bubble, turn heat to low and cover.  Cook for at least an hour (or up to 3) until ready to serve.  When you're ready to eat if sauce has reduced too much, then add a cup of water. Cook pasta according to directions.  When ready to serve, toss pasta with sauce and top with a scoop of ricotta (will melt into sauce and make it creamy) and fresh basil. 

Typically this meal would go better with red wine, but since we had some celebrating to do, we had champagne instead

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