Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pork Loin w/ Caramelized Apples & Onions

It may sound like a weird combination to some of you- pork and apples, but to me it goes together like peanut butter and jelly (I actually like cream cheese and jelly better, but I digress).  When I was younger I used to eat pork with applesauce.  This recipe is kind of a grown up, slightly more sophisticated version of that.  The best part was (besides how yummy it was) I cooked it way before eating, and just left it on low on the stove top, and it didn't get dried out at all.  

Pork loin, after browning on first side

Finished dish, served with steamed greens beans with olive oil and grey salt

1 pound boneless pork loin
1 medium yellow onion sliced thinly
1 medium apple (I used honeycrisp) peeled and sliced thinly (ideally you want the onion and the apple to be about the same size)
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup apple juice or apple cider
1 teaspoon dried thyme
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

In a large frying pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Meanwhile season the pork with salt, pepper, and the thyme.  When oil is ready, add the pork to the pan, and cook on first side for 7-8 minutes (or until browned) and then flip for 2 minutes.  Remove the pork and set aside (it might not be cooked all the way through, but that's ok).  Add the onions to the same pan and season with salt and pepper.  When onions start to brown, turn heat to medium-low and continue to cook until caramelized.  Add the apples and cook for another 15 minutes or until apples are softened.  Turn heat up to medium.  Add the cider vinegar and cook while stirring until it's reduced. Add the apple juice and stir until mixture comes to a bubble.  Turn heat to lowest setting, add the pork back in, and put a lid on.  Continue to simmer until ready to serve (at least another 15 minutes to allow the pork to cook all the way through).  Serve pork with onions and apples as a sauce and a side of your favorite veggie (green beans are super on sale right now at Publix). 

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